Are you creating a lot of great educational content online, but it doesn't attract any clients? You're not alone.
Many people are stuck in this endless circle:
A lot of my clients and other people I talk with online have this issue where they just can't seem to get it right when it comes to converting followers into customers.
And if you're one of those people, you might be wondering, what is the issue? Why am I the one who is failing?
Well, the answer is pretty simple.
If you're confused, let me explain.
Let's say you're a dietitian. You create a great educational post about foods that are high in nutrition yet low calories. The post is insightful and super useful, so you receive a lot of likes and comments. People are loving it but not enquiring how to work with you. Why?
Because such information didn't change people's inner beliefs, people can google facts. They know that they need to eat healthier foods. They understand the importance of nutrition. But yet many of them still don't feel ready to make a change.
And that's because they need more than just information. Often, what they need is one of these things:
Once you start touching deeper than the surface level, your conversations will become more real. People will open up. Connections will be built.
I can honestly say that 90% of my clients don't come to me just for a pure strategy of a business or personal brand coaching. Instead, they also come for encouragement, motivation, confidence, and self-reassurance.
The strategy is useless if these things are lacking.
Don't try to be #2 Google and pour "dry" facts in your posts. Instead, think about how you can show your clients that you understand them and help them change these inner beliefs.
This little change with your content will make a huge difference in your business. So, if you're tired of not seeing any results with your social media efforts, I recommend you try implementing this strategy into your social media strategy.
You'll see that new clients will start coming to you asking to work with you in no time, trust me.
Now, want to learn more about turning your followers into clients? Then download my FREE 22-pages Personal Brand Blueprint to learn how you can turn your social media into a revenue-generating machine.